My account has an unrecognized charge from Previlon LLC


If you see an unfamiliar charge from Previlon LLC on your billing account please review the information below:

Did you recently make a purchase from any of the following websites/apps?

All of the websites listed above are the rightful property of Previlon LLC so, if you have made a purchase from any of the websites listed above your billing statement may show the parent company name in the product descriptor section of your banking/PayPal transaction history or billing statement.

Although most charges will list the website/app/product name in the soft descriptor section of the itemized billing, some charges may only appear under the parent company name “Previlon LLC”.

If you are unaware of any of the websites listed above you may want to consider some other scenarios:
  • - Do you have a family member who is authorized to use the card or bank account? Have you asked them about this charge?
  • - Do you have a spouse, friend, relative or co-worker who has access to your card number and might have used any of the websites and paid services offered on the websites above?

If you still can't figure out where the charge originated, you may contact our dedicated product support staff by visiting:

Please refrain from using our Affiliate/Business Support Contact forms as your requests will not be directed to our product support staff. Our Business Support Staff does not have access to any of the product specific Customer Support tools and will not be able to assist you with any customer related matter.